Today’s spotlight here at Gigot shines on Bucket, the company that is here to create smart sustainable products for everyday use. Starting with an everyday product many of you will agree is hard to live without: the coffeemaker.
Since I started drinking coffee a decade or so ago, I’ve had at least 5 different coffeemakers. Naturally these weren’t the most high-quality machines, and sure I used them a lot. Still, every time a coffeemaker broke, it was both sad, costly and most of all an enormous waste. This is why it’s exciting to learn about the Portland Press, which is made from high-quality materials, built to last and sold with a life-time guarantee (in case you do need a replacement).
The Portland Press is named after it’s town of birth. The steel, wood and wool used for the parts that make the french press are all manufactured in and around Portland. Rather than using a plastic jar or a thin glass jar, the Portland Press is designed to be used with a mason jar. These are both sturdy, and easy replaceable by a new glass as mason jars are commonly sold worldwide. Smart thinking!