Mindful Monday: time to take a deep breath and stop. running. around.! Gigot is here with some Mindful inspiration. Introducing today: Elke van de Berg ceramic clocks.
“When being at home, you don’t need to hurry, but not knowing the exact time can make you restless” Designer/ceramist Elke van de Berg
Elke van de Berg graduated from the Design Academy in Eindhoven. These clocks are part of a large collection of handmade ceramics, all designed and made by herself and a intern in her studio.
When asked to describe herself in three words she calls herself “a creator, who loves to be busy and make things, experiment and create.” The ‘experiments’ she is best known for, is her porcelain work.
Working with porcelain is a precise and delicate job. The material easily breaks, shrinks, or comes out of the oven completely deformed. What I love most about these delicate clocks in their soft colours, is the fact that the numbers on this clock are stamped into the clay, resulting in a lack of exact precision one usually finds in a clock.
Having a general idea of the time might just be just what you need. Because when at home, as Elke explains so beautifully in this interview, it is o.k. not to know the exact time. It is o.k. to let go of time a little and focus on the present moment. On Mindful Monday, or Mindful everyday.
Next to these clocks, she also creates some really fun ceramic accessorries with drawings of bugs and other flora & fauna (see for yourself, it’s a lot prettier than I can possibly describe), and some mouthwatering lamps which she created together with Harm van de Nieuwenhof.
Did I mention I’m a fan?
You can find her work in many concept stores across the Netherlands, and there is an online shop too. Go check out this talented lady! And, as always, enjoy your Mindful Monday!
Sadly, this is -for now- the last Mindful Monday feature on GIGOT. I’m sure a Mindful Monday feature will pop-up again at some point, but it will no longer be a weekly series. You can find the Mindful Monday archive here!